
I woke up and got this minor heart attack. I thought I had my Ikea clock (hung on my accessories stand) not functioning or was being upside down since I dropped it few days back. I turned to my right and my wall clock showed the exact time shown before. I could believe this and was still like, "ya Allah please please please make one clock at least 10:00am please please pleaseeeee..." and there it was... 
shitballz I'm late! *while figuring out what to say to my friends and my mom who I bet had been calling me since only-god-know-what-o-clock*

Just like any other normal human beings, I started to check my phone. Missed call(s): 1 - ibu. Weird, she'd normally harass me all day long. hmmm? Whatsapp: 2 - SUPERGiRLFRiENDS and sisters. nobody bothered to checked on me. But I went thru the conversation anyways. Awesome. everyone's at home still. Yay!

I woke up and started not to get ready and took my sweetest time not doing anything. The next thing I know it's reaching 5:00PM. WATAFAKKAH iz diz meng?! 

Am I the only one who thinks that the time now is irrelevant and longer fair? I rushed like twas Rush Hour 4flat and reached Tek's house around 5:35PM (thank you for you considerate people not driving around KL!)

Her place is awesome!  We were being treated with delicious, comfort raya food with excellent desserts - homecooked and baked with extra love by Tek herself. Looking at how mature she has become, suddenly it made me realize that I haven't seen her since her wedding on April. And before the wedding, we only met at BSC few days before her big day and that was even in coincidence. Before BSC? The day she decided to quit work and left me working in a bigass question mark.

I had so much fun with the girls even thou it was for a couple of hours! Weirdly, these people are neither my highschool, college nor university friends. They were my bff's schoolmates and tbh, twas quite awkward during the first few years we started to hungout. I couldn't even remember how, when  and why we became close and over what did we started to bond over with. But for whatever reason it was, I thank you ya Allah for getting me to know these awesome girls!

We made a move around 8:30pm and decided to go for some tea-lovin' before shooting back home.

 Kimmy appeared outta nowhere. She looked kindalike a superhero. Prolly like one of those sabun Trojan adverts. heeheeh

nothing can go wrong with blended fruit teas. Caffeine at night will just make you go wonky. Well, for me at least :(
Goodnight, superfast ending Saturday xx

that breakfast.

Was a bit wee too early waiting for my fave shop to open so yea, breakfast we go!

I forgot how much I love I had for Delicious till I had their big breakfast and Cookies & Cream ice blended! I've been skipping a lot of breakfast lately, this was just.. nice? (mind you, my breakfast is a whopping RM10.00 sacks of cut fruits from uncle kedai bawah till he increased it to a facehole 50cents per pack, so yea, he's banned for life. Oh hello, McMuffin!)


After FOUR-4-EMPAT freakin years of...
having muh grillz on...

now um braces-free!
but teeth... y u no pretty, still? 

i miss my braceface. really. 

Today was one of those days where everything just fell onto place perfcketly! Got my goodies from the country where people are kicking a ball at~WorldCup'14. PREPAREM-SE! O HEXA ESTÁ CHEGANDO! (and yea, Brazil. I hope I hinted it well there, no? f.). (Many many plenty infinite never ending pieces of ultra big fat thank you, boss!) 

And today, I had that one particular moment, the moment when you start realising that your friends are awesome people when they're fulfilling what's left on your a-month-ago-dah-basi-nak-mampos birthday wishlist. Will be getting my superhuge hair curler courtesy from a good-up-and-down-of-11-year-old-bounced friendship. *hugs*

the wishlist? Here you go.
Instaxwhateverpolaroid camera
iPad mini
another iPhone 5S
Babyliss hair curler
Lotsa fun

hey shawty! it's muh birthday!

It's the only month of the year that I'll always be so excited of! I love getting the attention, presents and wishes from family, friends and strangers!

last face of 26

waking up being 27
Growing up isn't that bad, really. But the idea of adding on +1 on the age is just simply... terrifying! (especially when the people around you are getting hitched and producing people. f u!)

Nevertheless, thank you so much everyone that had wished me via Facebook, Wechat, Instagram, Whatsapp, iMessage, SMS! I know I've been rather rude for not replying everyone but please remember that your well wishes had blessed me in every single possible way! i love you people so much. Thank you thank you thank you!

...and today's the last day of June. Gotta redeem my free birthday cake from Starbucks!