Foodeology II

Last two weeks, I've been overdosing myself with a whole lot of sweetjunks and I could've sworn that I had a toothache. 
〪〭〫〬 Till Ibu said it doesn't make sense cuz I took care of my teeth very very very very extra well + my ortho check up will be every month. My dentist will check EVERYTHING and "repair any damage" right away (!) Speaking about being mindset, toothache no more -.- 〪〭〫〬

BFFii said, if you have one gigi taring tumbuh atas, that's your sweet tooth. (Where both of us got one, which explains why we kept on carrying candies, chocolates inside our handbags and when it's dessert time, mata shining-shining happy and will be on sugar rush for hours!)

BFFii and yours truly.

I know I didn't mention earlier. But I wanna have my bimbo moment.
"Did I mentioned that I bake cakes and brownies? No, right? Like o-m-g, it's the bestest thing to do. Like... EVER!"
An old flame came back to Malaysia for a five-5-lima weeks of holidays. Hung out with him and his chef friend (we had dinner there, the dishes served were perfection!). It got me thinking, if the both of them can cook and bake and carve, I must start heating up the kitchen too!
Homemade Nutella and Black Cherry cuppies. 
Tea time with niece, Jemima Sue.
note: Jet-Puffed XL Marshmallows (Not TOO sweet. Perfect) and Pillsbury Choc Fudge.
Marshmallow with chocolate fudge.
15 layered pancakes cover with whipped cream and Hershey's chocolate syrup. Personal best! WOOT!
Extra candy pancake stake
Twas too tempting not to try. But the meringue's not to my liking thou.
Biggest Pavlova. Ever.
Twirled Red Velvet cake. yums!
Red Velvet mini cake.
I have this thing for chocolates. And this is way too chocolatey. Plain awesome!
Chocolate F.udge with Extra Moist Choc cake.

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