that famous question

my morning face. do you look as hideous as me when you wake up? no? 
L U C K Y B A S T A R D.

That famous question that I often get is:
"Sueeee, what application did you use for the drawings?"

The answer is:
Scribbles on Mac and yes, I drew em from scratch! It started back in 2010 when I saw this awesome poster in Friends at Central Perk and I so wanted one but couldn't find it on Google, so I decided to draw it myself. Eversince Instagram started the instavideo/videogram or whatever you call it, I've been caught up doing videos of my artworks so that you guys can learn a bit on how to draw with your lappie too. Here are some of the tutorials. Have fun scribbling! 

I think by now most of you guys know how much I, Astrina Aziz loves Jenna Marbles! 

and I love Usher too!

and Tupac too! WESTside, b r a h!

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