
Last week, we had a double birthday celebration for two of my nephews, Jadir and Rayyan. Jadir wanted a Superhero theme and Rayyan wanted Transformers. Both combine and we got:
Ironman VS Optimus Prime

hand mask and food clips
candy booth
proud birthday boys
Jadir posing with his Ironman poster.
(Rayyan was busy with the clown, no shots for him)
1/4 of the pastries that day.
And yours truly came to the party as a

with sisterslove at the photo booth.
BFF and I were actually untangling the helium balloons,
and thought twill be cool posing with it first cuz of the colors.
= |
Waiting for the official photos from GreenApple Design & Photography. They're my sister's best friends' awesome business (baking, photographing, designing). They handle events such as Hens night, birthday parties, baby showers (that I know of). Show some lovin' <iii

*photos credit to Kak Suriya from GreenApple Design & Photography*
Kak Last's baby shower
Raeim's 1st birthday bash
Ranya's little mermaid's birthday bash
Sarah's princess birthday bash



How to be a qualified superhero?

Do you like your pee to be sweet?

Oppa MooMoo Style?

Why do I screen grab my chat?

I'm supersexcited to write.
but... till then. toodles! xx


I was browsing through my iPhoto and saw an album titled "Overdue". I went through it, twas all of my photos during my diploma days. I dragged some photos out from the album and smiled looking at myself. I miss being a teen. shucks.

my "epic" Myspace photo.



Back in my college days, BFF and I decided to have a pet bunny/each. We were over excited, we had a cage for them set between our beds, bought them those mini carrots and had a small bag to carry them wherever we go.
BFF and I
We named our bunnies Mucci and Bebot. Bebot was slightly smaller macam terbantut tumbesaran liddat. Mucci was my bunny. She was so clever and whenever she gets hyper running here and there, I'd just call her name out and she'll sit quietly at a corner and look at me. My friends loved Mucci too. Whenever Mucci visited them, they'll serve her with kangkung and play with her. ❤

Bebot on the other hand, ... I didn't get the chance to know her personally, but one thing I remembered, the hostel wasn't that bunnymental-friendly, and Bebot couldn't stay there long enough and just had to took her last breath on BFF's chest. BFF cried the whole night. 

the late Mucci and Bebot.
Effin cute kan? :)
yours truly with the late Mucci and Bebot.
So, BFF got another pet bunny, this time, bigger than Mucci and Bebot. He looked like a Greek warrior in an ancient Greece. So, BFF decided to name him, Xander. A tribute for Alexander III or the Great (duhh~).

And yeah, Xander passed away too.
You see that? Mucci survived throughout the death of her two siblings. But she passed away a week after Xander's pengebumian. I somehow miss Mucci oh so very much. :(

I LOVE YOUS, Mucci, Bebot and Xander. 
Sleep well, bunnies... 

THE reason why girls should wear a ribbon on her head.

", team aku ada enam orang. Nama team kitorang Skunk *something* (tak ingat). Rambut semua macam ni yea? (the middle part of the hair is in white color). Ada lima lelaki, aku sorang perempuan. Tapi aku kan macam jantan. So, aku pakai lah ribbon ni untuk differentiate between aku dengan dorang", kata Alin Mael.

gender differentiated?
(tengah: ALIN MAEL)

similar problem. 
must try also. 

mission fail.
 but maybe cuz got two slightly man-ish females...
so, function ribbon tak berkesan...


Fuck yea.

My little short story.

Taken from "Notes" on my Facebook profile.
Written on July 15, 2011. 

✿     ✿     ✿     ✿     ✿     ✿     ✿     ✿     ✿     ✿  

it surely felt different when she text or call him daily for two years, asking how he is, has he eaten yet, how's school treating, updating one another and suddenly she had to stop all of those things immediately just because he decided to end it.

it was awkward when he finally decides to met her several of weeks after being all silent, just to make it clear that nothing can happen in the future and everything that are couple-related should be cut off.

he moved on while she was still grieving.

ever since they weren't together anymore, they met each other three times. within those three magical times, she noticed that she had a nice long talk with him. they communicate better compared when they were together. she finally sees that with the right amount of maturity and understanding, being friends could be a good thing, or strangers if her feelings were to remain there.

he was happy when she had finally consumed the pain she went through. 

she, on the other hand, was happy that she could hear his voice again, see his smile, listen to his complains about school and updated each others' lives, once again. she was happy because he's still in her life even though his role is just a friend, nothing more.



Can't Be Friends - Trey Songz

I just felt like posting this song, today :)

All feelings aside, several friends of mine actually “ping”ed and asked me personally via BBM, “What’s with you and this song? You listen to it like almost everytime, tak boring ke?” (Yeah, I didn’t unmark the “Show What I’m Listening” thingy; my status update kept on updating the song).
Okay, before I elaborate, I just need to explain something. Before some of you guys will go “w-t-f le this girl, wei”. Go die.
Okay, so on May 2012, three days before examination 2011/2012, my friends and I went for a big-ass 3D movie night out. So while waiting for the rest to get ready, FilzaRazman, NikMichael and yours truly were layan-ing a bunch of olskool RnB songs. Before that, Nik was playing Trey Songz's playlist via Youtube. I was excited cuz I had a favorite song . Up until the playlist played this particular song, Nik will keep on replaying it over and over while singing the “LA LA LA LA LA LA LA” part.
So, while they were doing this and that, playing hide and seek dan sebagainya, I googled the song. The song bridge made me realized… This. Is. So. True.

"And if I knew it ends like this, I never would have kissed you cuz I fell in love with you.
We never would have kicked it, girl now every things different.
I've lost my only lover and my friend...
That's why I wished we never did it."

It’s basically about two people who were friends in the beginning and he realized that he fell in love with her and the relationship moved on to the next level.
It somehow reaches the point where the feeling is no longer mutual and the girl thinks it’s better off for them to go back to square one –just friends.
He’s thinks it’s impossible considering that he still loves her, and showing how he regrets falling in love and losing her as a whole.

Be grateful that He had put a dot sooner than you thought.

3rd October, TwentyTwelve

Hey ho!
I’m sparing some moment in life just to tell you how lucky I am.


Okay, the moment’s gone.

I was talking to my bestest sister–like friends ever in the whole wide world this morning via BBM (till it decided to break the eff down).  It made me realize, we had went thru all stages of life together. Okay, I meant, we had went thru all after high school life together. Yknow… Coffee-sesh, b-sesh, toilet puff-sesh, normal weekend hangout, beaching, shoping, nightlife and a whole lot more, where I don’t think I need to mention.
We realized that we’re getting older day by day, and all that matters as of this moment is to do one thing: settling down. We enjoyed life to the max. We had a great time.
As much as how I loved my teen and mid-ish life, one thing for sure, I would wanna be around that one guy, the guy who well understood the “me” as a whole and yet, will guide me to Janna, liking the circle of friends that were there for me thru thick and thin, the guy that will be a responsible father and provide infinite love to our future children and the son and brother that would treat my parents and sisters as equal as he treats his.
Yes, it’s about time for a change.
Everybody knew how much my previous relationship meant to me. Twas the first time I’ve learned how to love. No more games this time, no more hidden “agendas”. Everybody saw how I’ve changed to be a “good girl” and they were actually happy for me. As for each person that told me how glad they were to see me being serious–once and for all, I kept on telling myself, “He’s the one”.
I know Allah had everything well planned for all of His servants and for that, I’m thankful. After a year, we kept on fighting every now and then, knowing things were about to come to its end.
Allah al-Adl. Allah Maha Adil. And He is utterly just. I believe that He works in mysterious ways. The things that happened to me at that particular time was the reflection of what I’ve done in the past. He lends me one of His creations and amazingly, I’ve learned a lot as for my future reference.
Put aside on how heartbroken I was, He knew I just needed to smile and be happy again so, He showered me with wonderful people, friends.
One remarkable phrase that my friends from different circles will say every-so-often, “We care and love you, Sue. We wouldn’t want you to be hurt or even get hurt”.
Told ya I’m lucky now, didn't I?
It has been one and a half wonderful years. As I went through my photo album circa 2009-2010, I would finally say,

“I’m grateful that He had put THE dot,

sooner than I thought”.